When providing credit card information, please include the type of card, the card number, your security code, the expiration date and your full name and billing address as it appears on your card. Information regarding your account will be held completely confidential. When paying by credit card, you will be charge 100% of the amount stated on your receipt as soon as we begin work on your order. This secures the merchandise and puts the order into production.
Check Payments:
We gladly accept checks for payment. Products are shipped when the funds clear our bank. A returned check fee of $25.00 will be assessed in the event a check is returned for insufficient funds. In the event your order is time-sensitive, we strongly recommend using a credit card.
Purchase Orders and Net 30 Terms:
American Awards Company reserves the right to grant Net 30 payment terms. If you are granted payment terms, you agree that if you are late paying your invoice, a 1.5% per month (18% per annum) finance charge of the maximum charge permitted by law may be assessed against all accounts with past due balances. You agree to pay all the company’s reasonable attorney’s fees and all collection agency fees incurred in the collection of any amount owed hereunder and not paid when due.